Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Time to get off the couch

It's less than a week before Summer soccer begins and if you haven't been out working some you're going to be hurting Tuesday. I've seen a few of you out working on touches, hopefully you have also been working on fitness.
Please remember it's not just aerobic conditioning that you need to be working on. If you've been running 10 miles a week, that's great! But don't forget anaerobic endurance which is more critical to your soccer success.
Here are a couple of easy things you can do.
Interval running:

You guys know the routine on this one, simply run laps around the field, alternating between light jogging and sprints. You're supposed to change pace any time you reach a corner flag or the midfield line.
Tip: If you feel out of breath, slow down on the jogging segments so that you have more time to recover.
Please remember that it is important when sprinting to remember the techniques that Brian taught you. This is a chance to practice your running as well as get in shape.
Remember to pump your arms, drive with your back foot, and don't "clomp".

The other thing you can do to work on your anaerobic is everyone's favorite, shuttle runs (suicides).

Drill: Stand on the goal line, facing the field. Sprint up to the 6 yard line (a) and back. When you return to the goal line, rest for 10-15 seconds and sprint again, this time to the 18 yard line (b) and back. After a second brake, sprint to midfield (c) and so on. One repetition consists of a total of five sprinting runs (a-e)
Remember: You're supposed to sprint in both directions so there's no reason you should slow down upon reaching the 6 yard line or the 18 yard line. Try to change direction as quickly as possible

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